139: Dad, summiting Mount Katahdin
138: Logging at Coldholler
137: Tenkara!
This is the spot that I caught a 5" brook trout week before, when I first tried my Tenkara rod. With no reel, Tenkara appeals to me because it offers the same simplicity I enjoy on my fixed-gear road bike and single-speed MTB. Plus, "real" fly fisherpeeps look at it with amusement, cynicism, or intrigue, just like mainstream cyclists view fixies. Since then I haven't had any luck, but it's hotter now and I've gone around mid-day during lunch.
Thinking about all the possibilities around here for small stream fishing, accessible by road or mountainbike, some legally and some questionably so (I might selectively poach some no-bikes areas just to connect legit routes but would stay out of posted private property). Any suggestions?
Here I am on my lunch ride...bike in background. We live in a marvelous place!
136: Hiatus, over!
About Me

- Jackson County up in the Mountains
- I use this blog to chronicle certain aspects of my life near the Smokies. I'm building a cabin. I kayak. Sometimes I bike.